Our Blog is too Moxalicious for ya’
All that we care about within the lighting community expanded upon
Moxie Welcome ZLED Lighting to the Family
#Blackout has come and gone, social media pages have, for the most part, returned back to normal however the injustices towards Black Indigenous People Of Color (BIPOC) is still prevalent particularly in the United States of America.
Geoffrey Canada’s commencement speech to the graduating class of Colgate 2009. A speech about privilege and the fight against poverty and racism.
(Note: The following is the transcribed remarks of Geoffrey Canada, CEO and president of the Harlem Children’s Zone, who delivered the commencement address on May 17, 2009.)
We are excited to welcome Sandro and Marivi of LZF as they literally drive us to their Factory, tell us the history of the brand and shows us how its made.